Dear fellow Kellogg students,


I am pleased to announce that nominations period for the Kellogg MCR Committee Elections for Michaelmas 2019 is now open. Being elected to the MCR is a great privilege and opportunity to participate in College life as well as to shape the College’s activities!


You may nominate yourself via the elections page OR send me an email if you would like to nominate another Kellogg member by 12noon on Thursday 24th October. Nominations will not be accepted after this time. To see the list of available positions, what they entail and to nominate yourself, please follow these instructions:

> Login with your SSO details > Communities > JCRs/MCRs > Kellogg MCR > Voting > Stand in Election

For a more detailed guide to each post, please consult the Standing Orders and the latest version of the Constitution here: Please also feel free to contact any of the current Committee Members ( ) .

The Elections are held in accordance with Article 5 of the Kellogg College MCR Constitution.

IMPORTANT: Social Secretary position – specifications

As explained on the election page, I would like to remind you that the incoming Social Secretary should be:

  • fresher, i.e. somebody who started their course at Oxford in Michaelmas 2019, AND
  • ordinarily resident in Oxford during term time (Kellogg College MCR Constitution, Art. 5 section 12)

Some additional notes:

– Nominations will be kept confidential and anonymous.

– There is no limit to the number of nominations one may give, receive or accept.

– For the post of PGCE Representative, only a member reading for the PGCE is eligible to run.

– You may nominate yourself online. If you are nominating another student, please e-mail me your nomination(s).

– If you are nominated by another student, I will e-mail you to let you know after the nominations period has closed. You will need to confirm your nomination for election by 6pm on Friday 25th October.

– For all candidates wishing to stand in the elections, there will be the opportunity to make a case for one’s candidacy (hustings) at 7.30pm on Friday 25th October in the Bar area.

– If you are standing in the elections, we strongly encourage you to write a brief manifesto (up to 300 words) and add a photograph: a) if you nominated yourself, you must upload your manifesto and photo to the website yourself; the final deadline for uploading is 12noon on Monday 28th October, which is when the voting period opens. It will NOT be possible to upload manifestos after this time; b) if you are nominated by another student, I will send you further instructions on how and by when to submit your manifesto and photo.


Please note that this particular voting system is still quite new for JCR/MCR elections in Oxford, so please bear with us! One disadvantage of this system is that you have to be a member of Oxford Student Union. All students are automatically enrolled, unless you specifically opted out. If you are not a member of OUSU but would like to participate in elections, do send me an email and we can request for a guest account to be set up. If you have any other questions please do not hesitate to contact me.


Best wishes,


Charles-Alexis Couvreur

MCR Returning Officer (Michaelmas 2019)