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Highlights of the Week

A note from the MCR President:

Hello, my lovely college mates!

It’s Week 9! Time flies when you’re having fun…or cramming to get your work done in time for the looming deadlines. Regardless of where you are in the submission stage (working on it, just submitted, or lucky enough to not have any upcoming deadlines), please make sure to keep in mind your personal wellbeing! There are a number of resources available for you. Please see the wellbeing section of this e-mail for further details.

If you’re looking for something to do in order to wind down, consider coming along to Wednesday’s Welfare trip to Bath, hosted by our wonderful welfare officer (and peer supporter), Brenda McCollum. Not free until the weekend? No worries! Our awesome social secretary, Victoria Strutt, has organized a holiday party on Saturday to get you into the festive spirit!

Staying in Oxford over the vacation? No worries. There are usually a number of Kellogians around. The MCR will be hosting some events as well, including board game night, which will take place every Tuesday over the vacation (except for December 24 and December 31). Stay tuned for additional events!

Note: Tonight was the last night of yoga for the term. It will be starting back up on January 13th, 2020!

Before continuing on, I’d like to give a shoutout to our absolutely incredible new communications officer, Kazuhi Kanai for all her work on our stylish new newsletter! We hope you enjoy it!

Newsletters will continue to be sent out throughout the vacation, so look out for upcoming events!

Have a lovely vacation!


Dominique Fortes
Kellogg College MCR President

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Wellbeing Information

For peer support contact College. You can also contact our Welfare & Equality Officer, BrendaThe Junior Deans are available to chat confidentially about any welfare issues you might have, no matter how big or small. You can contact them from here. Information on counseling services can be found here.

Free condoms, lube, pregnancy tests, and sanitary pads are available in the white cupboard in the accessible toilet, near the Richardson Room. If you would like to have moral support while taking a pregnancy test, remember that you can contact the Junior Dean(s), the welfare & equality officer, or peer support.

This year, welfare team members (junior deans, peer supporters, welfare officers, etc.) will all be wearing bright yellow lanyards that say “Kellogg College Welfare Team 2019-2020” in order to increase their visibility as welfare resources. Please utilize them! We are here to support you. It’s never a bother to have a chat with us.   

To find out about exam support available, visit the University’s Stress Less webpage.

Welfare Committee Applications: Are you interested in welfare? Apply to be on the welfare sub-committee. There are many new positions open, so definitely consider! Apply HERE.

Find Out More About Welfare Resources

Sustainable Holidays

A note from your Green Officer, Anna Knowles-smith:

Holiday season is approaching! It’s time to start thinking about how we can make it a more ethical, sustainable holiday. Below are some ideas to get you thinking!

  • [Reconsider using] Sellotape
  • [Consider alternatives to] Wrapping Paper
  • [Don’t forget to prevent] Food Waste
  • [Consider a digital option for] Holiday cards
  • [Keep in mind the effects of] Cracker plastic
  • [Consider] Meat-free alternatives
Read More

College Updates

  • Early Closure in The Hub: On the 13 December The Hub will be closing early at 13:30. There won’t be any hot lunches served that day; however, breakfast, pastries and sandwiches will be available as usual.
  • College Christmas Closure: College will be closed from 13:00 on Friday 20 December until 8:00 on Thursday 2 January. The Library will be inaccessible throughout this period.
  • College Brunch: As many of you know, Kellogg offers brunch on most weekends during the term. The brunch consists of an English breakfast. However, the kitchen is considering switching to a rotating menu (similar to the lunch/dinner schedule style). Is this something you would be interested in? If so, let us know via this form!
  • Payment Change: You will no longer have to sign in for meals at college. UPay is now going to be the “currency” of choice, with the line moving much quicker with a till this year rather than sign-in sheets! So set up your UPay account soon and top up! ( Also, keep in mind that the bar does not accept UPay!
  • Food Options: Are you keen to have more cultural meals on the menu during the term for formal and informal dinners? Let us know what meals you’d like to see via the Food Feedback form.
  • Dietary Requests: Do you have a specific dietary request that you want the kitchen to be aware of when you come to college for a meal? Let us know via email 48 hours ahead of time via
Bath Christmas Market
Wednesday 11 December, at 11:50 AM, Bath
Staying in Oxford during the winter break can be lonely and a little depressing, so lets fight those ninth week blues with a trip to one of the nicest Christmas markets around! We’ll head via train to Bath on the 11th of December, sometime in the early afternoon. Exact time of departure has been announced by our wonderful Welfare Officer and Peer Supporter, Brenda McCollum on the FB group and event page! Buy your train tickets early and let Brenda know if you want to join for a fun-filled getaway from Oxford!
Holiday Party
Saturday 14 December, at 7:30 PM, The Hub
Join us on the 14th of December in the Hub for our Holiday Party including mulled wine and winter holiday food such as Mince pies, Panettone, Weihnacktsstollen, Christmas apples and much more. Holiday card making, gingerbread decorating, lots of fun and more holiday games and a holiday movie screening. There will be a prize for the best holiday jumper!! Follow the event page on facebook too!
Monday, December 9th
Tuesday, December 10th
  • Board Game Night: 8.00 PM, Hub
  • Christmas Guest Night Dinner: 6.45 PM-10 PM, Dining Hall  (Booking required)
Wednesday, December 11th
  • Bath Christmas Market: 11.50 AM-7 PM
Friday, December 13th
  • MCR Bar Night: 9 PM, Kellogg Bar
Saturday, December 14th
  • Holiday Party: 7.30 PM-11.30 PM, the Hub
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Opportunities and Offers

Kellogg Student Colloquium
Hey team! The Kellogg College Colloquium is always looking for speakers! If you have something that you would like to present, please send a title, a very brief abstract, and the week in which you’d like to present to .
At Kellogg, the bar isn’t just a place to go for a drink. While both alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks are served here, the bar is also a social space where you can play board games, meet up with friends, and simply have a chat! Interested in becoming a bartender during term-time? Training will be run by our fantastic Bar Manager, Nicholas DeVito. Please contact him with questions or to express interest. You can also note your interest via this form.With bar manager permission, any trained and approved bar volunteer can open the bar on any day after dinner, until 11pm (except when Guest Night Dinners take place). The night’s bartender will post it on the MCR’s Facebook page. If you’re around college for dinner, or working in the library, just pass by the bar area after dinner to see if it’s open!
Trying to save money? As of this term, Kellogg College MCR now has discount deals with a number of local businesses. If you’d like to save some money, check out these places for deals (MUST show Kellogg College ID):
  • The One (restaurant):
    • 20% off food bill any day of the week
  • Angels Cocktail Bar:
    • 25% off
  • Barefoot Café:
    • 15% off cakes and drinks (until 31/12/2019); NOT VALID Monday through Friday 2-6PM
  • The Duke of Cambridge: TBC
  • The Mad Hatter: TBC
More discounts and/or offers coming soon! Do you have a place that you frequent and would like to receive a discount at? Yes? Let us know! Send an email to our MCR treasurer at with the name of the restaurant/pub/bar/etc, and she will get in contact with them and see what we can do!

Other Opportunities

Seminar: What asylum and refugee policies do Europeans want?
Monday 9 December, 3:45 – 5:00 PM, The Hub at Kellogg College
Martin Ruhs, deputy director of the Migration Policy Centre at the EUI, and a co-author of a new study, What asylum and refugee policies do Europeans want?: evidence from a cross-national conjoint experiment, will be discussing public attitudes to asylum and refugee policies in Europe. Refreshments will be served from 3:30 pm, the seminar will commence at 3:45 pm. Booking is necessary.

Survey on Menstruation
Do you menstruate? Researchers at Oxford University are interested in your experiences the week before your period. Please help them with a 5-minute questionnaire. Why it matters? The Dphil student Gabriella Kountourides (St. John’s) at the School of Anthropology & Museum Ethnography: “Many menstruating people describe different experiences in the week leading up to their periods, however few surveys take into account the range of different experiences people have. I am working to build a questionnaire that encompasses all aspects of the premenstrual experience which will be important both to understand the social effects of premenstrual experiences, and medically”.

Cortex Club: Panel Discussion on Sleep: Features and Functions
Wednesday 11 December, 5:00 – 6:00 PM, Sherrington Library
For our final event of the year, in collaboration with the Centre for Neural Circuits and Behaviour (CNCB),  the Cortex Club will be hosting a panel discussion on Sleep: Features and Functions with Prof. Amita Sehgal, Prof. Penelope Lewis, Dr. Jason Rihel, Prof. Stuart Peirson. The Panel discussion will be followed by a Christmas-themed drinks reception, then everybody is welcome to join us to a pub for dinner with the speakers. Go check out our website, sign up to our mailing list here and keep up to date with our future events by following our facebooktwitter and instagram.

Summer Teaching in China
The Social Enterprise Gotoco has opened applications for its 2020 summer TEFL programmes. These take place in diverse locations across China. The Directors Daniel Parrott (St. Anne’s) & Richard Lloyd (Pembroke) are the Oxford alumni and you can find there stories here. Last year around 50 Oxford students joined our project in China, apply now to grab your place on the 2020 Gotoco China team:

  • Earn a TEFL certificate (Teaching of English as a Foreign Language)
  • Explore China and its diverse culture
  • Learn some Mandarin, and take part in fun cultural exchange activities
  • Gain valuable work experience and references
  • Begin a summer of backpacking across Asia
  • Give Chinese students the chance to experience a new style of teaching
  • See stunning scenery, including the Karst mountains around Yangshuo, Guangxi

Oxford University Anglo-Chinese Research Society – Recruitment
The Oxford University Anglo-Chinese Research Society, which is in the process of being established, is recruiting students for some positions. This society’s primary aim is to help foster an environment of collaborative research here at Oxford, particularly focussing on students in the early stages of their research careers. The aims of this Society are as follows:

  • to promote collaboration between the UK and China generally, with a specific focus on collaboration in academic research;
  • to improve the quality of research by UK and Chinese academics by learning from one another; and
  • to provide a forum for UK-based academics to network with Chinese academics and vice versa.

The Society will host lectures, networking events for its members, and discussions over dinner with guest speakers (e.g. academics from Oxford and overseas, diplomats, etc.), as well as run termly essay competitions. Having already secured sponsorship for the society, all that is currently left is to find a suitable treasurer and secretary, who have a passion for international research relations and a capacity to fulfil the needs of these roles. Those interested in either role should email the DPhil candidate Ryan Veryard (Linacre), at Doctoral Training Partnership in Environmental Research (NERC DTP) at for more information.

Feedback Form

We want to hear from you! Please take a few moments to share your feedback and idea with us through: Kellogg MCR EventsKellogg MCR Event Proposal/SuggestionKellogg College BrunchKellogg College Food. Thank you in advance for your help!

Contact Information

MCR President

As always, feel free to reach out to me with any questions or comments. I’m always more than happy to help in any way that I can. I’m reachable via FacebookLinkedIn, e-mail, and phone! As always, if you want to chat in person, you’ll be able to find me in my usual spot, working on my thesis by the couches in the bar.

Dominique Fortes
Phone: +44 7497 089727

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