A Note from the MCR President:

Hello again, my lovely college mates!

Week 1 is finally here! I hope you all enjoyed welcome weeks and are excited for a great term ahead. (If you want to let us know what you thought of the events, please feel free to fill out a feedback form, included toward the end of this email).

We have a number of exciting events scheduled throughout the term, so make sure to add them to your calendar! You can do so by clicking the link here and then subscribing. Events are added regularly, so make sure to check back often!

Don’t forget that our first formal exchange dinner is taking place soon! There are a few extra places available, so if you’re interested, reach out to Kevin Treder! Places will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. (Oct 23 at Kellogg and Oct 24 at St. Antony’s).

Also, just a reminder that elections are coming up soon, so consider running for a position on the MCR Committee! There are also a number of appointed positions on the Welfare Sub-Committee and the International Student Sub-Committee, so don’t forget to consider those as well.

Read the e-mail below to find out more about: Wellbeing Information, College Updates, Upcoming Events, Opportunities, and more!

Wellbeing Information

For peer support contact: peer.support@kellogg.ox.ac.uk. You can also contact our welfare & equality officer, Ekin, at ekin.genc@kellogg.ox.ac.uk

The Junior Deans are available to chat confidentially about any welfare issues you might have, no matter how big or small. You can contact them at junior.dean@kellogg.ox.ac.uk.

Information on counseling services can be found here.

Free condoms, lube, pregnancy tests, and sanitary pads are available in the white cupboard in the accessible toilet, near the Richardson Room. If you would like to have moral support while taking a pregnancy test, remember that you can contact the Junior Dean(s), the welfare & equality officer, or peer support.

This year, welfare team members (junior deans, peer supporters, welfare officers, etc.) will all be wearing bright yellow lanyards that say “Kellogg College Welfare Team 2019-2020” in order to increase their visibility as welfare resources. Please utilize them! We are here to support you. It’s never a bother to have a chat with us.

To find out about exam support available, visit the University’s Stress Less webpage.

Welfare committee applications

Are you interested in welfare? Apply to be on the welfare committee. There are many new positions open, so definitely consider! Apply HERE.

College Updates

Starting this term, Kellogg is utilizing a non-manual sign-in policy during lunches and dinners. There will be a till where you can tap your university card (if you’ve topped up via UPay) or pay with your bank or credit card.

Would you like to help out with working the till? E-mail hospitality@kellogg.ox.ac.uk! Only a limited number of places are available for this role. Students will be monetarily compensated and receive a free meal for the meal times they work.

College Brunch: As many of you know, Kellogg offers brunch on most weekends during the term. The brunch consists of an English breakfast. However, the kitchen is considering switching to a rotating set menu (similar to the lunch/dinner schedule style). Is this something you would be interested in? If so, let us know! Link: https://forms.gle/wSxRxCCHCzAkhWLA8
Payment Change: You will no longer have to sign in for meals at college. UPay is now going to be the “currency” of choice, with the line moving much quicker with a till this year rather than sign-in sheets! So set up your UPay account soon and top up! (upaychilli.com). Also, keep in mind that the bar does not accept UPay!
Food Options: Are you keen to have more cultural meals on the menu during the term for formal and informal dinners? Let us know what meals you’d like to see via the Food Feedback Form here: https://forms.gle/evLhEGLGHCkhxTeu7
Dietary Requests: Do you have a specific dietary request that you want the kitchen to be aware of when you come to college for a meal? Let us know via email 48 hours ahead of time via kitchen@kellogg.ox.ac.uk


Want to keep up with the latest events? Subscribe to our Google Calendar here, which is updated with all the Welcome Weeks events and a number of other events going on throughout the term. If you subscribe, the calendar syncs directly to yours! Events are added on an ongoing basis as planning is finalized.

In addition to syncing our Google calendar, enable notifications to get the latest updates. Instructions on how to do so are here: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=h4nkfqa1jd1g5jccnlu3r37g74%40group.calendar.google.com&ctz=Europe%2FLondon

This Week at Kellogg:


  • Tea and Study Group: 2-5PM, 62 Meeting Room
  • Yoga: 7-8PM, the Hub


No MCR events scheduled


  • Welfare Tea and Snacks: 4-5PM in the college bar area
  • TENTATIVE Salsa Dance Class (free): 5-6pm, Mawby Room (check with reception on the day of to confirm)—we will also update you via the calendar and Facebook
  • Oktoberfest-themed Guest Night Dinner: reception starts at 6.45PM, dinner starts at around 7.10PM


  • Language exchange: starting at 7.15PM, meet in the Bar area
  • Professional chocolate tasting with Linden Chocolate: 7.30PM, Bar area (booking required)


  • Tea and Study Group: 9.30AM-12.30PM, 62 Meeting Room
  • Induction and Coming-Up Lunch (booking required)
  • Assistance with the Academic Office: 3-4PM, Academic Office
  • Refreshers – Induction Revisited: 4-5PM, The Hub
  • Bartender Training: 5PM, Kellogg College Bar
  • Re-meet the MCR Committee: 7-8PM, Bar area
  • MCR bar night + night out: 9.30PM-onwards, starting in Bar area


  • Matriculation: starting from 9AM
  • Movie night: 8PM, the Hub


  • Tea and Study Group: 2-5PM, 62 Meeting Room

Upcoming Special Events at Kellogg:

Elections – Coming up soon!

Message from Giuseppe, Secretary

Dear members of Kellogg’s MCR, all and new,

Did you enjoy the Welcome Weeks, and would you like to organize social, cultural, and academic events yourself? Do you want to help manage the college and the MCR, both physically and electronically? Or is there anything you do not like about Kellogg, and would like to change it? You now have a chance to join the MCR Committee and become the protagonist!

The following MCR Committee positions are open for election:

Social Secretary (one place)
Communications Officer
Green Officer
Domestic Officer
PGCE Representative
Disabilities Officer
Sports Officer
Charities and Campaigns Officer

Next week (Week 2) your Junior Dean will inform you how to nominate yourself or other people for one role or more. We’ll host hustings on Friday of Week 2 and voting will be open from Monday of Week 3 to Monday of Week 4.

More details to follow soon – meanwhile, start thinking about applying!

Exchange dinner with St. Antony’s

Message from Kevin, Social Secretary

Announcing the first formal exchange dinner partner of this term: Our lovely neighbors St. Antony’s college!

23/10 St. Anthony’s @ Kellogg

24/10 Kellogg @ St. Anthony’s

So strap in, put your name in the ballot, get ready to suit up and to enjoy two marvelous feasts! Who’s dining hall is nicer? Which college will have the better food? Does St. Antony’s really have an ale with their name on it? You’re are about to find out.

To some of you the concept of an exchange dinner might be new so let me introduce it first:

In general:

15 students from Kellogg will get the opportunity to visit another college’s MCR and join them for a formal dinner and vice versa. Besides visiting different colleges and enjoying full formals as such, one gets a special chance to make new contacts and join highly interesting conversations. All in all two great evenings!

How to participate:

Put your name in the ballot that is given in the link below. After the ballot closes, only the winners will be contacted. If you do not win a seat, you will be put on the waiting list and contacted if drop-outs occur. The two formals are 30 GBP/person (15 GBP/leg) and will be deduced from your Upay account. It is of crucial importance that you are available for both legs.


As to everything, there are rules that must be taken into account.

i) Alumni can’t take part in this ballot.

ii) It is not possible to bring guests.

iii) You have to top-up your Upay account with sufficient funds to take part. I will contact you if this is not the case only once and offer help if needed. However, if the account is not topped-up after that, your seat will be reallocated.

iv) If you can’t attend the exchange anymore, it is your responsibility to find a substitute and inform me about it. I can help you finding a substitute by reallocating your seat to the waiting list.

v) No-shows will be charged with a penalty fee of 20 GBP and charged from the person that has been communicated to participate at the exchange.

And a last novelty from this academic year:

4 seats will be allocated exclusively to part-time students! The remaining 11 seats will be randomly given to both full-time & part-time students. However, if less part-timers participate or can’t take part in the exchange, the seats will be allocated among all participants.

As some of the freshers are yet not in the mailing lists, but also not part of the FB group, please make sure to spread the message around J If needed, I am happy to provide the link again, just contact me via kevin.treder@kellogg.ox.ac.uk.

Further details follow as the exchange dates approach respectively.

All the best,


Link to sign up for exchange dinner with St. Antony’s: https://forms.gle/Ha5ex1zv6y4Jybjp8

List of exchange dinners this term:

– October 23rd: St. Antony’s at Kellogg (Wednesday)
– October 24th: Kellogg at St. Antony’s (Thursday)
– October 30th: Kellogg at St. Hugh’s (Wednesday)
– November 20th: St. Hugh’s at Kellogg (Wednesday)
– November 6th: Pembroke at Kellogg (Wednesday)
– November 7th: Kellogg at Pembroke (Thursday)
– November 13th: Wolfson at Kellogg (Wednesday)
– Tentatively November 29th : Kellogg at Wolfson (Friday)

Kellogg Student Colloquium: Call for papers

Message from the MCR Academic Officer:

Hey everyone!

This term will see the return of the Kellogg College Colloquium. This is an informal, weekly event in which you can present your academic work to fellow members of the Kellogg community. You do not need to submit a written paper, and it doesn’t necessarily have to be what you are working on at the moment – it can be research from a past degree, or an introduction on your field of studies! (e.g. What is anthropology?) It is also a great place to workshop ideas on your research projects for the upcoming year. Participants are fellow Kellogg students rather than professors, so you’ll get a varied array of constructive and friendly feedback and it is an opportunity to develop presentation skills.

Speakers also get a free dinner after their presentation.

If you have something that you would like to present, please send a title, a very brief abstract, and the week in which you’d like to present to neil.suchak@kellogg.ox.ac.uk .


Opportunities, Offers, and More


At Kellogg, the bar isn’t just a place to go for a drink. While both alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks are served here, the bar is also a social space where you can play board games, meet up with friends, and simply have a chat!

Interested in becoming a bartender during term-time? Training will be run by our fantastic Bar Manager, Nicholas DeVito. Please contact him with questions or to express interest. You can also note your interest via this form.

Any bar volunteer can open the bar on any day after dinner, until 11pm (except when Guest Night Dinners take place). The night’s bartender will post it on the MCR’s Facebook page. If you’re around college for dinner, or working in the library, just pass by the bar area after dinner to see if it’s open!


Trying to save money? As of this term, Kellogg College MCR now has discount deals with a number of local businesses. If you’d like to save some money, check out these places for deals (MUST show Kellogg College ID):

Oxford Alterations:
20% discount off alterations
Choice of either free shirt or pair of trousers with a made to order suit
The One (restaurant):
20% off food bill any day of the week
Angels Cocktail Bar:
25% off
Sheyda (hair/nails/waxing/etc):
10% off any service more than 20 pounds (until the end of October, 2019)
Barefoot Café:
15% off cakes and drinks (until 31/12/2019); NOT VALID Monday through Friday 2-6PM
The Duke of Cambridge: TBC
The Mad Hatter: TBC
More discounts and/or offers coming soon!

Do you have a place that you frequent and would like to receive a discount at? Yes? Let us know! Send an email to me at Dominique.fortes@kellogg.ox.ac.uk with the name of the restaurant/pub/bar/etc, and I’ll get in contact with them and see what we can do!

Other Opportunities:

Oxford Union email signup

If interested, please fill out this form in order to be signed up to the Oxford Union’s mailing list.

NB: This is does not automatically sign you up for membership.


Oxford Royale Academy – Call for teachers

Oxford Royale Academy is a summer school that works with a variety of the Oxford Colleges. Our summer program has over 100 different subjects split into Business, Social Science, STEM and Liberal Arts. ORA includes over 4,500 students from over 160 nationalities every year on our programme (please click here for more information on our Summer School).

We are looking for enthusiastic teachers who want to share their passion for learning with our students. No prior teacher experience is essential but it can help.

St John Ambulance – New volunteers welcome

Tuesdays 8pm, Churchill Hospital in the Education Room. Ideally email richard.mifsud@worc.ox.ac.uk if coming!

Would you like to learn first aid? Would you like to be one of the St John ambulance members providing event cover for events like college balls, athletics, London Marathon and even Notting Hill Carnival? All for free, with copious amounts of tea and biscuits? St John Ambulance is looking for new volunteers to come and be first aiders in their highly wonderful Oxford City Unit. They are holding open evenings for new interested members at 8pm on Tuesday 8th, 15th and 22nd October at the Education centre in Churchill Hospital (to get there, go to https://goo.gl/maps/e7fx7gF7mDqrVPgv8 , and then on https://www.ouh.nhs.uk/hospitals/churchill/documents/ch-hospital-sitemap.pdf we are in the room next to the chapel (it is not labelled on the map)). You can come to any or all of the above sessions – we will be talking about different things at each session. Ideally email richard.mifsud@worc.ox.ac.uk if coming (although you can just turn up as well!). If you are not available for the above times or have any questions, again email richard.mifsud@worc.ox.ac.uk .


Apply to be a mentor for Japan’s government-sponsored Youth Empowerment Programme, and spend from 2 to 4 weeks in Japan between the 6th March – 12th April 2020.

Application Page: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1L_CYt1I8Zb0GIE34ELdBTUyxIFfsNyVAH0aPb_Y6YfI

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/439347086683728/

FAQ Page: https://docs.google.com/document/d/16hgPsLrtgRS5iyzkQAfKQ_SOZRzQ78ExGzeYvVYPToY

**Application deadline: 20th October**

The role: Work alongside leaders at a Japanese high-school to support and inspire younger students.

The reward: The chance to explore Japan for free! During the programme, flights, accommodation and almost all other expenses are covered. You will join 80+ other Oxbridge students, so this is also an excellent opportunity to meet like-minded adventurous spirits. The role is very rewarding, and the scheme includes an additional 7-days after the programme to explore more of the beautiful country!

Feedback Links:

Kellogg MCR Events Feedback Form: https://forms.gle/mziSKsaU86RCPwd57
Kellogg MCR Event Proposal/Suggestion Form: https://forms.gle/7vD8vsuLWVFEtQF99
Kellogg College Brunch Feedback Form: https://forms.gle/wSxRxCCHCzAkhWLA8
Kellogg Food Feedback Form: https://forms.gle/evLhEGLGHCkhxTeu7

As always, feel free to reach out to me with any questions or comments. I’m always more than happy to help in any way that I can. I’m reachable via Facebook, LinkedIn, e-mail, and phone! As always, if you want to chat in person, you’ll be able to find me in my usual spot, working on my thesis by the couches in the bar.

E-mail: dominique.fortes@kellogg.ox.ac.uk
Phone: +44 7497 089727