
Salsa Classes 

Thursdays, 8-9 pm, free 

Every Thursday during term at 8-9 pm in The Hub. 

Welfare tea and cakes

Wednesdays, 4pm in the bar

Free superb cakes made in-house by the Kellogg catering team served every Wednesday during term time!

Welfare connections

Do you need to talk to someone?

Want to talk to a peer?

Would you rather talk to someone from the staff?

College Welfare Officer/Disability Officer /Academic Administrator:  Sarah O’Brien – sarah.obrien@kellogg.ox.ac.uk
Sarah is your primary point of contact for any type of welfare concern. Feel free to drop in to Sarah’s office at any time during the week or send a quick email to arrange an appointment for a confidential conversation.

Sarah is best placed to provide College and coordinated support across the University, these include with Accommodation, Counseling Service, Disability Advisory Service and many more.

The Dean: Dr Dace Dzenovska dace.dzenovska@kellogg.ox.ac.uk

Equality/Harrasment Officers: Alison MacDonald (Fellow) – alison.macdonald@conted.ox.ac.uk (also the Safeguarding lead) and Richard Stevens (Fellow) – richard.stevens@kellogg.ox.ac.uk.

LGBTQ Contact: Idalina Baptista (Fellow) – idalina.baptista@kellogg.ox.ac.uk and Mel Parrott, mel.parrott@kellogg.ox.ac.uk.

Pastoral Advice Contact: Alistair Ross (Fellow) – alistair.ross@kellogg.ox.ac.uk

Medical Emergencies: http://www.ox.ac.uk/students/welfare/health/emergencies

Some College links may be found here: http://www.kellogg.ox.ac.uk/welfare/

Would you like to talk to someone outside of College?

  • The Oxford University Student Union particularly Róisín McCallion, the Welfare and Equal Opportunities Officer welfare@ousu.org, and the Student Advice Service at advice@ousu.org.
  • A blog that re-brands mental health:   http://inmyheadcase.com
  • Oxford University Counselling Service – 01865 270300 – counselling@admin.ox.ac.uk
  • Disability Advisory Service – 01865 289850 – disability@admin.ox.ac.uk
  • Equality and Diversity Unit – 01865 289825
  • Harassment Line/ Advisor Network – 01865 270760
  • Nightline – 01865 270270
  • Oxford Rape Crisis Centre – 01865 726 295 (standard rate), 0800 783 6294 (freephone), or email support@osarcc.org.uk.

Would you rather talk to someone on Facebook?

Here are some groups…! 🎉

  • 🌼 Oxford Students’ Disability Community (OSDC):
  • https://www.facebook.com/groups/oxdisability/
  • OSDC also has several Facebook support groups for different conditions: 🌸 Depression & Anxiety (closed, not secret): https://m.facebook.com/
  • groups/129078314402265
  • 🌺 Specific learning disabilities (closed, not secret) https://m.face- book.com/groups/1810117735953081
  • 🌱 The following groups are secret so only members can see who is in the group. To be added to the group, please message rachel.dlugatch@st-hildas.ox.ac.uk
    Bipolar Disorder; Eating Disorders; ADHD; OCD; personality disorders; PTSD; Psychosis; Gynaecological Conditions.
  • 🌻 There is a secret group for Autistic Students, contact Laura Cooper (laura.cooper@spc.ox.ac.uk) to be added.
  • 🌿 There is a secret ME/CFS Support group. To be added please contact Brooke Skulls (hbscoles@gmail.com) or Sophie Thomas (soph-
  • ie.thomas@seh.ox.ac.uk)
    🌵 Oxford SU OSDC (page):
  • https://www.facebook.com/OxfordSUOSDC/
  • 📚 Oxford Student Union: https://www.facebook.com/OxfordSU/
  • 🌈 Oxford University LGBTQ Society: https://www.facebook.com/OULGBTQ/
  • 🍭 Oxford SU LBGTQ Campaign: https://www.facebook.com/lgbtqoxford/
  • 🔥 Oxford SU Women’s Campaign: https://www.facebook.com/womcam/
  • ✨ Oxford SU CRAE- Campaign for Racial Awareness and Equality: https://www.facebook.com/OxfordCRAE/
  • Oxford SU Class Act Campaign:
  • https://www.facebook.com/oxfordsuclassact/